祭壇 等

祭壇 等

The Sanctuary The Path to the Throne of God P.73

This shows the brazen altar with its four horns, its grate where was placed the fire for the burnt offering, the compass on which the priest walked when sacrificing, and its approach which was “not by steps.” Ex. 20:26.

Also one of the several sets of tools - the shovel, the flesh hook, the fire pan; and bowls for various uses.

The lamb, symbol of the Lamb of God, is tied to a horn of the altar, waiting to be washed ready for the sacrifice.

Every part of this altar was of brass, symbol of victory through suffering.
→出エジプト記20:26 あなたは、階段を用いて祭壇に登ってはならない。あなたの隠し所があらわにならないためである(服の間からあなたの裸の部分が見えたりするといけないからだ)。

祭壇は青銅製ではなく真鍮製 印刷は出来ません
幕屋(聖所)設置各器材     〃